Casa de Misericordia
The mission of Casa De Misericordia is to empower survivors of domestic violence, the accountability of the batterer, and commitment to work with the Laredo community
The vision of Casa de Misericordia is that survivors of domestic violence, despite all they have endured, can reclaim their lives by receiving comprehensive, holistic services, and consistent long-term support.
Casa de Misericordia staff will assist you with a safety plan and answer questions regarding your situation.
All information obtained is confidential.
If you think you are a victim of domestic violence, call (956) 712.9591
If you’re in danger please call 911 immediately

Plan ahead and
think of relatives
and friends who
can assist you.
Casa de misericordia can
help you with creating a
safety plan

Important documents
Change of clothes
Favorite toy
Milk formula

In certains situations
survivors may benefit from
Protective Order or a
Peace Bond, which order a
batterer to stay at a distance.
For more information please call
Casa de Misericordia or dial 911
for emergencies
The mission of Casa De Misericordia
is to empower survivors of domestic violence,
the accountability of the batterer, and
commitment to work with the Laredo community
Get Help!
If you think you are victim of domestic violence and want information, please call us at 956.712.9591 or 1.877.SUCASA.2 (toll free)
Get in Touch
CALL (956)712-9591
(956) 726-0151
1(877) SU-CASA-2 (TOLL FREE)
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